Millenials are choosing Moissanite over Diamonds in the US!

According to, more and more millennials are choosing Moissanite over Diamonds in the US. In fact, Millennials are proud of choosing Moissanite as their stone of choice for their engagement rings and bridal jewelry. Here is a snapshot of the article published online at

Minnesota-based newlywed Tori Okoye—who’s in her mid-20s—explained to us that she and her partner chose moissanite for her engagement ring for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it’s eco-friendly, conflict-free, and a fraction of the price of a standard diamond yet still has the same aesthetic qualities of the shiny stone.

“I love telling my friends about moissanite,” Okoye said. “I’m very pleased with it, [and] I think it’s much more normal to [choose] things that aren’t diamonds now.”"



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